Way of working

A proven methodology and a milestone-driven process

  • Typically, we are approached by mature asset holders, who are interested in lowering the carbon footprint of their developments and are in a position to Sponsor the project.
  • We have the technical and commercial models and analytical tools to quickly screen your project. This will include the location of the asset, existing infrastructure (for both fuel, CO2 and electricity, geological position and Petroleum Engineering data etc.).
  • If the pre-FEED result is positive, then the decision to enter the FEED phase follows, typically taking $ 3-6 mln, including detailed engineering and contractual design and culminating in a Final Investment Decision (FID).
  • After positive FID other investors may join, and for larger projects a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is created to execute and manage the project.
  • After commissioning and 1-2 years of operation the SPV will be refinanced and some investors will leave, to be replaced by investors with a different, usually lower, risk appetite.

TriGen charges consultancy/development fees, and where appropriate, project management fees. It seeks a carried interest in the ultimate project, and an option to co-invest in the resulting SPV, or an equivalent risk-taking reward. These projects which amount to  between $50-$500mln (Capex), require committed sponsors that typically see decarbonisation as a strategic imperative.

Investors in TriGen are welcome. Funds will be used to grow the company’s product and project portfolio mainly with Business Development and Intellectual Property development through collaborative R&D. Oxyfuel technology has matured to the point where commercial projects are now viable, and there is significant room to make the core and supporting technology more cost and energy efficient.

TriGen’s vision is to become the first NET ZERO Oil & Gas company, selling only clean energy vectors of which the (equivalent) CO2 content has been pre-captured and stored.

TriGen is the co-founder of the Hestia Consortium, which aims to demonstrate the pressurised Oxyfuel solution for a launch customer.

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